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Available Online

Flex & Flow for Men

12 British pounds
Online class

Service Description

In this all male space, we will explore repetitive flows of movement and how to best support ourselves, anchoring body parts to prolong poses. We’ll use a mixture of long and short holds to work muscles in a variety of ways. We will also work with the breath and these 2 approaches will allow us to release physical tension and relieve mental and emotional attachments which drain our energy. Everything within this class is optional and based on your own comfortability. To help the nervous system we will wind down the class with various breathing and meditation techniques. Everyone is welcome, from beginners to the most experienced yoga individuals. Feel free to join and grant yourself the opportunity to decelerate and rest your body. The class will be done from mats. Please have at hand a block (or book), yoga strap (tie or scarf) and a cover for the relaxation sequence of the class.

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

If you’re unable to come to a booked class you can cancel up to 1 hour before the class.

Contact Details


Located in the 3rd Floor Chapel Oxford House in Bethnal Green, Derbyshire Street, London, UK

The Yoga For Life Project
Tel. 07714412852
The Yoga For Life Project (C.I.C) is a limited company registered in England & Wales, reg no: 12315142 registered office address: 39 Long Acre London WC2E9LG

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We're really grateful for all the support and funding we have received

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